
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015



  THE NEW EXECUTIVE OF EDSA 2024 Welcome to the squad! We look forward to your contribution to EDSA in 2024 KEEP UP THE SPIRIT! Rafi Purwanatha  Ilvi Aura Lailiyah  Kamillah Ariqoh Kaltsum  Nur Anggraheni Putri Mariono  Talitha Cantika Ramadaniyah Zaskya Ayra Sinatrya Amira Sava Lutfia Ayla Naharany Ustadzah Ando Pratama Bhakti Dina Wardani Dzaki Jihad Pangesti Sabbihisma Robbika Muhammad Akmal   Rivandha Putri Auriellia  Ardianti Safitri Ummuyana Ushaiyyah Silma Rahma Dila Nurlaili Fairi Faradis Zakiah Muhammad Naufal Rajinder Gandhi Azzanajwafa Ma’al Abrar Az Zahra Damayanti Daffa Azhafran Azarine Annora Madana Daffa Angel Putri Riyo S. Diana Shafira Desy Rahmawati Ayyi salsabila shofiyyah Nabila Nuryani Salma Syafina Agil Sony Piously Budianto  Ahnafarell Juliandri Alif P. Ananda Ramadhania Adiputra Ailsa Amilia Rafida Elicia Nur Aisyah Esa Amalia Putri R.Kha

Open Recruitment of Himapro-SI UINSA Staff 2016

download open recruitment brochure and form .

EDSA Blood Drive


Form Spelling Bee 2015

Spelling bee is one of the event of the 5th English Department Dies Natalis, you can download Spelling Bee Form now ! Click  Here Competiotion Description A.        Jenis Perlombaan Spelling Bee competition adalah sebuah kompetisi dimana peserta diminta untuk mengeja sebuah kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam kompetisi ini dibutuhkan sebuah rujukan, kuncinya jelas yaitu kamus. B.        Tema Perlombaan             Tema perlombaan Spelling Bee Competition dengan tema “ Summer for Speller” C.       Waktu dan Tempat Spelling Bee Competition diselenggarakan pada : hari               : rabu tanggal         : 18 November 2015 waktu           : 08.00 WIB tempat          : Gedung Auditorium UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya jenis acara     : Spelling Bee Competition D.       Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba Peserta Spelling Bee Competition adalah pelajar SMA / sederajat dan Mahasiswa Biaya pendaftaran intern 30.000 (Mahasiswa UINSA)   dan extern 40.000 Peserta Spe

Dies Natalis 5th Years of English Department

This is English Literature Department 5th Anniversary, come and be part of us. :)

EDSA Social Journey

Himapro - SI has held a social event or we can called SONEY which event occured on July, 15, 2015. This event is one of HRD's program. This activity was held in YKAKJatim (Love Child Cancer Foundation East Java) especially in the way Karangmenjangan V Surabaya. Social Journey was held with the theme "Share Love, Share Happiness" which the purpose to entertain and motivate children to build their spirit to be more accomplished. Before to this event members of HRD has conducted fundraising in English literature either by selling products Himapro - SI  such as beautiful sticker English Literature. After collected, that donation will be given to YKAKJatim. Sone in the event that began around 02:15. This event opened with a welcome from YKAKD coordinator and chairman SONE activities, along with the introduction of the YKAKD’s children and member of the committe Hima. Followed by the performed of MOSAD is singing togeher with the children of YKAKJ. In the middle the p

MCD Trip to JTV

After a brief explanation, m iss Iva our guide show us the Studio. We are going to Dangdut Studio, in this place we showed how the cameramen and the crew work as team, it’s very cool. The last session from MCD trip we are going to control room, in this control room we will see so many monitor and the button. It is for controlling the program that broadcast in television. MCD trip giving us so many memory, experience and knowledge, and this  is so useful. We are from Media and Creative Development will trying to make another trip to giving a knowledge about broadcasting and printed media another time. Wednesday, at 6 th Mei 2015, Media and Creative Development one of division in Student Association of English Literature was visited JTV Television, this trip purposed for giving us all about broadcasting, the theory and the technique. First we are given the brief explanation and motivation to increasing our knowledge about broadcasting world. When we see i9n television, we will see

The Champions of Photography Competition

The Champions of Photography Competition First Winner Winda Pratiwi Second Winner Arianto Prihatmoko Third Winner Sony Solehuddin

Link Download form English League 2015

You can download form in :  Form English League A.     Syarat dan Ketentuan Public Speaking Contest 1)       Peserta Public Speaking Contest adalah Mahasiswa  se- Jawa Timur. 2)       Biaya pendaftaran Rp75.000 3)       Peserta Public Speaking Contest harus mendaftar dengan cara: -           Via online: ·          Mentransfer biaya pendaftaran (75. 000) melalui rekening BRI : 320101009343533 atas nama RISKA DWILESTARI ·          Setelah mentransfer biaya pendaftaran, harap menghubungi: Riska (08971542749) ·          Download form ulir pendaftaran di  Form English League ·          Mel engkapi form ulir pendaftaran kemudian dikirim ke sekaligus bukti pembayaran (berbentuk scanned/foto) -           Mendaftar  langsung ke stand Himapro -SI di Lantai 3 Gedung Multimedia B F akultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 4)       Pendaftaran dibuka mulai 14 April - 25 Mei 2015 5)       Kuota peserta maksimal adal