
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2015



THE NEW EXECUTIVE OF EDSA 2025 Welcome to the squad! We look forward to your contribution to EDSA in 2025 KEEP UP THE SPIRIT! 1. Rajinder Gandhi  2. Revani Amalia Popi Susanti  3. Azzanajwafa Ma'al Abrar  4. Rivandha Putri Auriellia 5. Salma Syafina Agil 6. Dzaki Jihad Pangesti 7. Ayla Naharany Ustadzah  8. Arrinal Maulana Hega Saputra  9. Lintang Widya Faustina  10. Rose Heaveny Shine  11. Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan  12. Albirra Berliana  13. Aminullah  14. Fairy Faradis Zakiah 15. Ando Pratama Bhakti 16. Moch Khafid As'ari 17. Ahmad Bukhori  18. Alya Nurul Rahmaddani 19. Fibri Yanti Nurjanah 20. Aisha Maira Pasha  21. Daffa Angel Putri Riyo Samudra  22. Ana Nurul Izza 23. Eka Farah Fauziah 24. Siti Nur Nazilatul Zulfa 25. Dian Syafa'atun Nidah 26. Iwang Harianto 27. Rizqi Iqballudin 28. Niken Ayu Dwi Agustin  29. R. Khansa Pandya Amorta   30. Fadhil Azzam  31. Nadya Aulia Rahma Al Izzah  32. Muhamma...

Link Download form English League 2015

You can download form in :  Form English League A.     Syarat dan Ketentuan Public Speaking Contest 1)       Peserta Public Speaking Contest adalah Mahasiswa  se- Jawa Timur. 2)       Biaya pendaftaran Rp75.000 3)       Peserta Public Speaking Contest harus mendaftar dengan cara: -           Via online: ·          Mentransfer biaya pendaftaran (75. 000) melalui rekening BRI : 320101009343533 atas nama RISKA DWILESTARI ·          Setelah mentransfer biaya pendaftaran, harap menghubungi: Riska (08971542749) ·          Download form ulir pendaftaran di  Form English League ·          Mel engkapi form ulir pendaftaran kemudian dikirim ke himapro.siadab@g...

Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba Fotografi

 Persyaratan Peserta dan ketentuan umum -           Tema lomba : Landscape, Building , and Society -           Lomba diikuti perseorangan -           Berdomisili di J awa T imur dan WNI -           Karya hasil jepretan sendiri -           Foto yang dikirim 1 Copy -           Hasil foto setidaknya diambil 3 bulan terakhir -           Foto belum dipublikasikan atau belum pernah diikut sertakan lomba -           Pengiriman foto harus disertai formulir pendaftaran + Tema foto + Foto bukti pembayaran dan KTP (dikirim melalui email) -           Jika melewati batas...

5 Easy Ways to Become a Better Public Speaker

                Speaking at events is a great way to enhance your status as an expert and generate PR for your business. However, becoming a great speaker is an art, not a science. The good news is that with some tips and some practice, you can leave a lasting impression that you will want people to remember. Here are some easy ways that you can become a better speaker. 1. Memorize concepts, not content.          You may think that the best way to give a flawless speech is to memorize the content word-for-word.  But trying that can create a lot of problems for speakers. Memorization not only lends itself to sounding over-rehearsed (aka not natural), but also, if your mind goes blank at any point during the presentation, you will lose your place and potentially create an awkward silence. Or worse, start to panic.       ...

Blood Drive Episode IV

Come and join, Blood Drive Episode IV !! Present by EDSA and supported by PMII Surabaya.