THE NEW EXECUTIVE OF EDSA 2025 Welcome to the squad! We look forward to your contribution to EDSA in 2025 KEEP UP THE SPIRIT! 1. Rajinder Gandhi  2. Revani Amalia Popi Susanti  3. Azzanajwafa Ma'al Abrar  4. Rivandha Putri Auriellia 5. Salma Syafina Agil 6. Dzaki Jihad Pangesti 7. Ayla Naharany Ustadzah  8. Arrinal Maulana Hega Saputra  9. Lintang Widya Faustina  10. Rose Heaveny Shine  11. Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan  12. Albirra Berliana  13. Aminullah  14. Fairy Faradis Zakiah 15. Ando Pratama Bhakti 16. Moch Khafid As'ari 17. Ahmad Bukhori  18. Alya Nurul Rahmaddani 19. Fibri Yanti Nurjanah 20. Aisha Maira Pasha  21. Daffa Angel Putri Riyo Samudra  22. Ana Nurul Izza 23. Eka Farah Fauziah 24. Siti Nur Nazilatul Zulfa 25. Dian Syafa'atun Nidah 26. Iwang Harianto 27. Rizqi Iqballudin 28. Niken Ayu Dwi Agustin  29. R. Khansa Pandya Amorta   30. Fadhil Azzam  31. Nadya Aulia Rahma Al Izzah  32. Muhamma...

Osmapro-SI 2K13: Unity for All

Go go go: one of teams tried to through the spider-web.

How do you feel when you hear the word OSPEK? Most people perceive OSPEK was chance for revenge filled with intimidation and abnormally activities. However, that assumption was contradicted by HIMAPRO-SI who has successfully run OSMAPRO 2K13 with their theme "Unity for All" and wrapped with the concept of fun learning.

That day, a new chapter has been opened and ready to cast with new story. A lot of balloons were lifted OSMAPRO name will soon be flown as a symbolic began of the event. All family of HIMAPRO-SI includes the freshman and the committees stood solemnly and sang ‘Indonesia Raya’ until the end. Then, to facilitate the technical implementation of OSMPARO-SI participants were divided into 16 groups with 2 mentors in each group.

Finally, all members of the family by using gisang HIMAPRO-SI sped toward predetermined place namely, Villa Youth Loka, Claket - Trawas , Mojokerto. Almost along the way, the participant and the commitees did some activities that were carried out for a show like singing , joking until sleeping. Interestingly, everytime they sang in a voice that semi false, they seemed to be a concern throughout the trip. Here also grew the seeds of brotherhood that would become a family HIMAPRO-SI adhesive.

Not felt, Fleet commonly used to transport Army personnel had been stopped. Cold air immediately greeted and followed with a cluster of mountain ranges that soothing eye. And the committees were down and gathered the field. At that time, the committees immediately pass on some instructions and rules to occupy villa shaded by the Department of Education and Culture. Only when all goes wrong, the participants eat together and followed immediately with the congregational prayers. Because, tomorrow the show was very solid, the committees brought together participants to break early in order to prepare physically and psychologically for tomorrow. So, that night was closed with deep sleep.

Suling sakti: Underwent the Caisar's dance in the morning.
In the early morning, the committees awaken participants to perform Fajr praying in congregation. Cold air in the morning didn’t dampen the spirit to continue activities with morning exercise together. Sweat pouring fresh look among the instigators of the morning exercises. Until it was time to eat, division of consumption tell us to eat right away. 

Furthermore, the participants were introduced the term "Contract Forum" by Arum as the division of the famous event in the Master of Ceremony. Forums contract here is a rule that was created and agreed upon by the committee and participants. Thus, there was harmony in the forum during the event took place. Entering the forum, the participants were introduced all ranks of officials HIMAPRO-SI who have struggled to hold this annual event. Each division was called by Wahid as chairman for the HIMAPRO-SI introduced. Then, event continued with the soft skills to new students by Afan who has been ‘melalang dunia’ and has shown his work both from the British and Foreign Literature. 
Mr.Milal gave a presentation for participants of osmapro 2k13
A few moments later, pickles Mr. Endratno filled by Prodi as the Head of English Literature which would all matters relating to the department in the Faculty of Adab's favorite. Then, Mr. Milal continue to gaves knowledge for fresh graduated. Lecturer known with the quality of his teaching managed to hypnotize the students with a variety of materials. The participants were very enthusiastic, especially when the last speaker Ms. Jennifer Kim. She was the only speaker who comes from the land of Uncle Sam.

Not felt, it was time ‘Dhuhur’. Now is the time after the break having fun learning. The committees have prepared a variety of games were quite interesting and challenging. Start of Debate, Poetry, and pos placed in several outbound. The implementation was very different OSMPARO assuming like most people have mentioned above.

Until it was time to eat, the participants talked about exciting games when they had just passed. Seen, the committees joined in with the participants to discuss the concept that would be shown in the inauguration night. Atmosphere familiarity among their looks together without insulation at all.

The middle of the field, the participants gathered around with the committees. At that time, Ifan and Pucum which are also known as a famous MC calling each group will display concept at this prestigious event. A wide range of performances look very extraordinary, ranging from staging Role Play, Dancer, Reading of Poetry, Singing along to stand up comedy. Finally, the committees featuring several songs accompanied by acoustic guitarist Geva and Zainuddin. HIMAPRO whole family looked very enthusiastic accompaniment of music and singing along.

Amid sleeping soundly, suddenly the commitees awakened participants. This time, participants are unexpected events, Roaming Night. Yes, the participants were made a group of 5-6 people will be running around 3-4 KM through the dark streets to just carrying a flashlight illuminated a very scary message such as; "It has been found the bodies of women, eyes bulging, tongue protruding. Immediately sent a shroud and coffin." The message will be delivered right in each ‘POS’. Although quite tense and spooky events. However, the committees have been set up with a field guide and ‘POS’ in several places to ensure safety. So that the event went smoothly without a hitch.

The next day, the committees gave rewards to several groups and participants in several categories as follows :

1. Fauzan (Best Male Participant)
2. Maharani (Best Female Participant)
3. 5th Group (Best Group of Games)
4. 1st Group (Best Video Competition)
5. 9th Group (Best Group of Inaguration)

Finally, the participants returned to the beloved campus IAIN Sunan Ampel with a wealth of experience to immediately apply new story.

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