THE NEW EXECUTIVE OF EDSA 2025 Welcome to the squad! We look forward to your contribution to EDSA in 2025 KEEP UP THE SPIRIT! 1. Rajinder Gandhi  2. Revani Amalia Popi Susanti  3. Azzanajwafa Ma'al Abrar  4. Rivandha Putri Auriellia 5. Salma Syafina Agil 6. Dzaki Jihad Pangesti 7. Ayla Naharany Ustadzah  8. Arrinal Maulana Hega Saputra  9. Lintang Widya Faustina  10. Rose Heaveny Shine  11. Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan  12. Albirra Berliana  13. Aminullah  14. Fairy Faradis Zakiah 15. Ando Pratama Bhakti 16. Moch Khafid As'ari 17. Ahmad Bukhori  18. Alya Nurul Rahmaddani 19. Fibri Yanti Nurjanah 20. Aisha Maira Pasha  21. Daffa Angel Putri Riyo Samudra  22. Ana Nurul Izza 23. Eka Farah Fauziah 24. Siti Nur Nazilatul Zulfa 25. Dian Syafa'atun Nidah 26. Iwang Harianto 27. Rizqi Iqballudin 28. Niken Ayu Dwi Agustin  29. R. Khansa Pandya Amorta   30. Fadhil Azzam  31. Nadya Aulia Rahma Al Izzah  32. Muhamma...

6th Dies Natalies of EDSA UINSA 2016

In 6th Dies Natalies Edsa UINSA Surabaya the theme is The Glow of Hexalateral, we have 4 days that held on November 14th 2016 until November 17th 2016. In 4 days, we have 2 event national competitions and 2 event international seminars. The last day, there is a Gebyar event. Let's see our glorius Dies Natalies below:

1. Public Speaking Competition

Public Speaking Competition is an event that held in the first day, November 14th 2016 of Dies Natalis English Literature 2k16. The theme for this year is Show Your Golden Speech in Heroes Day. We created this theme to commemorate Heroes Day that is on November 10th. The participants came from all East Java from 18 years old until 23 years old. Hopefully, after joining this event, the participants can get a lot of new experience by speaking in front of public and also knows truly about the meaning of Hero itself.

The winner for this year is from PPNS. Her name is Nurul Noviandani. The second winner is from our beloved university. He is Fauzan Atsari. And for the favorite winner is Lailatul Farikha. She is also from our beloved university

 2. Spelling Bee Competition

Spelling Bee Competition is an event that held in November 15th 2016, the second day of Dies Natalies English Literature 2k16. the theme for this year is The Bee-Loud Glade. we use this theme to show the participant that they stand up in the competition as the bees that speak loudly and confidently in front of the audience. the participants came from all over East Java with categories Highschool student/College student/general (16-21 years old). after joining this competition, the participants can get a lot of new experience and can gain their confidence to speak up and show their self in front of public. also we hope they can improve their skill in English especially in vocabulary and pronounciation. we hope you can join in our next competition guys! be the bee and be the champion!

3. International Interfaith and Culture Seminar
International Interfaith and Culture Seminar is an event that held in the third day, November 16th 2016, series event of 6th Dies Natalies English Literature. The participants more than 800 peoples came from East Java. The theme is "Diversity becomes Concinnity". We took this theme as our main theme because it represents our aim in holding this seminar, we hope by by comming and understanding to our seminar will help them be wider their knowledge in the understanding of mankind diversity. We have invited some speakers, Poon Yor Ching, Akhyavi Hananto, and Parastuti as Japanese Lecturer.

4. International Scholarship Seminar
International Scholarship Seminar is an event that held in third day after International Interfaith and Culture Seminar. The participants of this event are more than 1100 peoples. The Theme of international scholarship seminar in this year is "Shape Your Dream". We have invited Daniel as receiver scholarship from LPDP and Fauzan Sauptra as receiver scholarship from German. And as usually we provide facilities as expo from institutions offering scholarships aboard, the institution such as TEC (Taiwan), LPDP, IDP, Ed Link, ELC Education, and IFI. The audience freely to ask informantion to them in the end of event. And we also have a surprise in the end of event that is Free IELTS Simulation Test for 30 audiences who are lucky. Free IELTS Simulation Test is supported by Vista Education.

5. Gebyar 6th Dies Natalies of Edsa UINSA
Gebyar is the last event in Dies Natalies EDSA UINSA that held on November 17th 2016, here the whole English literature student and extracurricular groups are free to display their talents in accordance appearance. This event is very festive because it was attended by all lecturer of English literature and all students of English literature English literature at the auditorium UINSA Surabaya. and also we are very grateful to English Education of UINSA (PBI), children Sastra Inggris Mengajar Cak (SIM-C) for best performance.

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