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GeneralEnglish101 - Eps. 2

 General English101: How to Be Friends with The English Grammar?

Heyoo my peeps!! Welcome to the GeneralEnglish101 – 2nd Episode 😊😊

How do you feel this weekend? Hopefully, you guys are doing great in this deadly pandemic! :D

First of all, let me ask you all a question…

When you hear the word “G.R.A.M.M.A.R”, what instantly comes to your mind? A challenge in language learning? An important element in a language? Or what else?

Most people might think that grammar is the rule or the system of a language. Yeah, this prediction is definitely true! As defined, grammar is the rule of a language consisting the sounds, words, sentences, and other elements, as well as their combination and interpretation. However, the term ‘’grammar’’ itself familiarly refers to the study of word and sentence structure. (Grammar | Britannica, n.d.)

And what do you guys think about English Grammar? Is that pretty hard? Or just easy peasy to deal with?

If you think that English Grammar is just a piece of cake to deal with, I would like to say congratulation on your capability! Otherwise, for those who feel that grammar is pretty hard to learn, don’t be insecure! You’re not alone, dude, so do I :P

When we write an essay, sometimes overthinking feeling does exist by questioning ourselves like: “Am I use the right grammar?”, and it turns out to essay revision, huftt. Look, how important grammar is, especially in writing.

This is the reason why this article is written in purpose to give you some tips and tricks about how to be friends with the English Grammar. “be friends” means you will enjoy learning English Grammar by knowing its step-by-step even though you still feel the difficulty of it (at least you won’t mad every time you have to learn it, LOL, that’s the purpose).

Well, without any further do, let’s check the following step-by-step tips out!!!!

1.   Find yourself suitable learning style.

Have you ever heard about what learning styles are? Yup, there are three kinds of learning style: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, or maybe mix-method such as Audio-Visual. Which one is yours? It is important to know your learning style so that you can easily understand any learning materials. Discover it as soon as possible! (Perna, 2011)

2.     Be familiar with English word classes.

Word classes are the words’ category in English. “familiar” means you’re able to determine in which category of certain words is placed (noun, verb, adjective, or adverb). As an example: Ignorant (Adjective) vs Ignorance (Noun). Although both words almost have the same meaning, the word category is somehow different. Discover it more! (Word Classes | Vocabulary | EnglishClub, n.d.)

3.    Learn and comprehend the English sentence construction.

English's sentence construction is the form of Subject-Verb-Object. You can start learning how to construct a simple sentence by determining which the subject, what the subject’s doing (verb), and to which / whom the subject do the effort (object).

4.     Understanding the three basic tenses.

In learning English Grammar, It is helpful if we understand the three simple tenses as the beginning (present, past, and future) in purpose to understand the sentence context. That three tenses are very important to write a basic sentence as well whether constructing a simple sentence to complex sentence.

5.      Grammar Games.

This is the most fun activity because you can do it throughout phone! You can download language learning apps such as Duolingo, Busuu, Rosetta Stone, or any other alternative apps to practice your grammar. Generally, those apps provide grammar games to boost your memory and skill in grammar. Go install yours today!

6.     Read and Practice.

Last but not least, don’t forget this part! Reading a grammar book along with practicing its exercise is very helpful to boost your grammar skills. This is the best and the most effective method for long-term learning, why is that? Through reading, you gain new knowledge as well as practice because practice makes perfect. Don’t forget to manage your time well to read and practice!

Well, that’s all the step-by-step tips from this episode, guys! I welcome you to practice the steps above and give me the testimonial by giving comments below this post :D

No matter how difficult English grammar is, we have to learn it patiently as the English department students! As our duty, let’s feel the learning process and happy with the result.

Hope you enjoy your learning process, see you in the next episode, peeps! 😊


Grammar | Britannica. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2021, from

Perna, J. (2011). Learning Styles and Their Effect on Student Learning.

Word Classes | Vocabulary | EnglishClub. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2021, from

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