THE NEW EXECUTIVE OF EDSA 2025 Welcome to the squad! We look forward to your contribution to EDSA in 2025 KEEP UP THE SPIRIT! 1. Rajinder Gandhi  2. Revani Amalia Popi Susanti  3. Azzanajwafa Ma'al Abrar  4. Rivandha Putri Auriellia 5. Salma Syafina Agil 6. Dzaki Jihad Pangesti 7. Ayla Naharany Ustadzah  8. Arrinal Maulana Hega Saputra  9. Lintang Widya Faustina  10. Rose Heaveny Shine  11. Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan  12. Albirra Berliana  13. Aminullah  14. Fairy Faradis Zakiah 15. Ando Pratama Bhakti 16. Moch Khafid As'ari 17. Ahmad Bukhori  18. Alya Nurul Rahmaddani 19. Fibri Yanti Nurjanah 20. Aisha Maira Pasha  21. Daffa Angel Putri Riyo Samudra  22. Ana Nurul Izza 23. Eka Farah Fauziah 24. Siti Nur Nazilatul Zulfa 25. Dian Syafa'atun Nidah 26. Iwang Harianto 27. Rizqi Iqballudin 28. Niken Ayu Dwi Agustin  29. R. Khansa Pandya Amorta   30. Fadhil Azzam  31. Nadya Aulia Rahma Al Izzah  32. Muhamma...

Himapro-SI Goes to Jogja: Comparative Study to Gadjah Mada University

Members of Himapro-SI in UGM University
Welcome Jogjakarta. Right on 26-28 September 2013 was a memorable day for us as members of HIMAPRO-SI. We did our program to Jogjakarta namely comparative study to Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Comparative study in UGM was one of our activities that also one of great program from Division of Networking. This activity was accompanied by a friendly lecturer ‘Mam Itsna’ who had also been a student of Gadjah Mada University. Preparation for running this event has a long ago, such as making a proposal, transfers, and Half-Board with a host family. Everything run well as planned although there were some unwanted errors. We are as Division of Journalistic (DJ) did not want to waste this opportunity, with our determination that wants to cover the news. We also look, listen, understand and then capture the moment into the camera.

Thursday, September 26th, 2013 at 8 pm long trip we spent on the bus. In the middle of a cold night, we went through with the crispy joke until sleepiness drove us into a beautiful dream. A few hours later the dawn called to prayer in this university town awaken us to worship and carried out activities on schedule. On 27th September 2013 at 07:30 we have to place our initial goal was Gadjah Mada University. Before the event was started, we interested to take a picture first and walk around the campus. At 09.00 we started our main event in the language laboratory by introduction inter-organizational department of HIMAPRO-SI IAIN with IMAJI UGM (Ikatan Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris) in the previous event. Various divisions of each organization was introduced and showed the work program that has been planned and implemented, also share the experience we have done and the last was answering question interchangeably. The situation of the discussion was warm and we enjoy it.

Call to prayer reminded us to end the discussion with a gift exchange between the chairman of ‘HIMAPRO-SI’ and ‘IMAJI’. One thing that we never forget was take a picture J in every event. Before we left the college while waiting the gentlemen to pray of jum’at we are ladies had lunch together. One step has over so it was time for us to be on holiday.
Himapro-SI UIN Surabaya with IMAJI Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta.
Well guys, it was our exited activity. From the activities we have done, we got much knowledge and experience about an organization. Although our major is new major in ADAB Faculty but we'll never be afraid to do new things is exciting and rewarding. Although, our department still not a long-standing, but we should be proud become students of English literature in ‘IAIN’, because our capacity was not much different from them in other Universities that has long standing.

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